On the morning of March 8th, 2022, all SFARMLS subscriber members will see the new refreshed look and feel for our key MLS Dashboard security and authentication application. You can read the pre-launch announcement here

What are the key changes?

New Login Screen

New Dashboard Layout

What are some settings I might want to make today in my new MLS Dashboard?

If you click on your profile picture in the top right, you can select "View Profile"

The center area allows you to make some key changes to your profile. You can also setup some layout preferences here too that will affect how much of the screen your new MLS Dashboard uses.

Change Photo - upload a profile picture that you would like to see displayed by your name in the application. 

Your local weather - set a ZIP code to display accurate weather information for your area.

Dark Mode - when set to Activate, the Clareity MLS Dashboard will show in Dark Mode like your other applications. 

Hide Banner - set to OFF to show the banner image on the home page, set to ON to hide the banner image.

Hide Weather - set to OFF to display the weather information for your ZIP code, set to ON to hide the weather.

What if I cannot find an application tile that I used to use frequently? Use the Launch Tool

The layout of the dashboard has changed to put an emphasis on the key MLS tools used by all of our members. If you cannot locate an application tile, simply type a few characters of the name into the search box to get a list of clickable links:

The search result application names are clickable and will launch the application you are looking for.

Standard Logout Screen

NOTE: We are aware that the new Dashboard has a slight delay with the loading of the Balances information regarding the current billing cycle. If you see this spinning wheel, there is no need to contact the MLS Team, as we are aware of the loading delay and are in the process of improving it. The new MLS Dashboard is not affected in anyway by the delay in the loading of the balances information. You can click on the tiles Pay Bill to go straight to your unpaid invoices.