Over the summer, SFARMLS will be taking steps to modify our MLS system, and our data distribution systems (RETS and WebAPI) to comply with the terms of the DOJ v. NAR Settlement. This article on nar.realtor provides a summary of information around changes and dates. 

The two bullet points that affect you as vendors read as follows:

  • Require the MLS to not create, facilitate or support any non-MLS mechanism (including by providing listing information to an internet aggregator’s website for such purpose) for participants, subscribers or sellers to make offers of compensation to buyer brokers or other buyer representatives. 
  • Prohibit the use of MLS data or data feeds to directly or indirectly establish or maintain a platform of offers of compensation from multiple brokers or other buyer representatives. Such use must result with the MLS terminating the participant’s access to any MLS data and data feeds.

As it reads, this means that all vendors will be REQUIRED to remove commission and compensation information from their platforms in order to continue to be eligible to receive data from SFARMLS.

More specific information will be added to this article as it comes available.

Current timeline of changes

mid-JulyRelease of updated SFARMLS Rules & Regulations
August-17NAR Practice changes to be in effect (including data recipients/vendors)
September-16Full enforcement of new changes begins

This means that on, or before, August 17th 2024, all vendors that connect to the SFARMLS data distribution system in anyway, will also be required to comply with the NAR Practice Changes

If you have any questions about your eligibility to receive data, or, have concerns about your ability to comply with the directives, please email the SFAR IDX/Data team at:  resfar@sfrealtors.com to get a ticket started.