Sometimes, when you are updating your Pending listing to Closed or entering a comp sale as Sold Off MLS, it can be difficult to locate the MLS ID number for the Buyer's Agent. For example, they may go by a nickname rather than the full name shown on their contract signature in DocuSign. One way to say yourself time and effort is to use the Look-Up Tool.

The Look-Up Tool icon is directly to the right of the data entry field for the Buyer Agent's MLS ID. When you click on it, a new window will appear on your screen that will let you search for your agent. One of the easiest ways to look them up is buy the email address they have used to communicate with you.

After you enter their email address and click Search, you should get a single entry returned for them

At this point click Select and their MLS ID and name --along with their correct Office ID and name-- will automatically populate for you.